Why is it so hard to try new things?

by | Dec 21, 2020

If you are like me, it’s because we want to be good at everything. When we’re not, it can be intimidating and it scares us.

I remember feeling that way. When I first started using kettlebells. I didn’t want anyone to see me using them. I had no idea what I was doing or if I was using them correctly. I’m also one of those types of people that have a hard time asking for help. Looking to improve, I studied kettlebells like it was my job. I poured over any book or video I could get my hands on and after a few months, I thought I knew it all. Before long, I was talking about kettlebells to anyone that would listen and I started teach weekly classes.

After a couple years, I decided to get the StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor certification. I wasn’t really sure I could learn much more about kettlebells, but at least it would validated what I already knew. I was way off! StrongFirst is a school of strength, the tips and cues taught with a live instructor, can’t be learned in books. After 3 days of vigorous work and education my head was blown! I had to start teaching kettlebells in a new way!

With my new arsenal of coaching cues, I saw my clients grow into stronger, leaner, more athletic individuals with a renewed love for kettlebells! Now, I’m one of those types of people that loves being coached and learning new ways to help people be strong and healthy, I can’t get enough!

I’m looking for people that would love to learn more about how to use, teach and/or program kettlebell training! No matter where you are at with your fitness, my Forever Young – Kettlebell Series will help you get better at performing and teaching this amazing art.

Check out the promo video HERE!

Kettlebell’s are fun, brutally difficult, wonderful tools that become a lifestyle. – Josh Hanagarne