Improve Range of Motion, Reduce Pain and Prevent Injury

by | Aug 20, 2023

Controlled Articular Rotations (CARs) are a fundamental component of Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) and can offer several benefits when incorporated into your daily routine:

1. Joint Health and Mobility: CARs target specific joints, encouraging synovial fluid circulation and nutrient exchange within the joint capsule. This can help maintain or improve joint health by promoting optimal mobility and reducing the risk of stiffness or degeneration.

2. Increased Range of Motion: Performing CARs daily can gradually increase the range of motion (ROM) of the targeted joint. Over time, this can lead to improved flexibility, allowing you to move more freely and efficiently in various activities.

3. Neuromuscular Control: CARs emphasize slow, controlled movements that require focus and awareness. This enhances your neuromuscular control and proprioception, which are essential for better movement coordination, balance, and injury prevention.

4. Pain Reduction and Management: Consistent practice of CARs can help reduce joint pain and discomfort, especially if you have conditions like arthritis or chronic joint issues. Gentle and controlled movement can promote a sense of relief by increasing blood flow and delivering nutrients to the affected area.

5. Injury Prevention: By performing CARs regularly, you’re actively engaging the muscles and structures surrounding the joint. This strengthens the joint’s supporting tissues, reducing the risk of injuries. Additionally, increased joint awareness can help you avoid movements that might strain or damage the joint.

Remember that consistency is key when it comes to reaping the benefits of CARs. Gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your routine as your joint health improves can yield even more positive outcomes. Always consult with a healthcare professional or a certified FRC specialist before starting a new exercise routine, especially if you have any existing medical conditions or concerns.